GoDaddy Hosting Review (November 2023): 4 Cons You Must Need to Know

GoDaddy's Hosting Review

GoDaddy is a well-known company in the web hosting industry, and its catchy commercials have always made it stand out from the competition. But is their hosting service as good as they claim?

In this article, we will provide you with a detailed review of GoDaddy’s hosting packages, so you can decide if it’s the right choice for you.

GoDaddy Pros and cons

Things We Like in GoDaddy

  • Host Unlimited Websites (except Economy plan)
  • Easy to use cPanel interface
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Disk Space
  • Frequent Special Offer Discounts
  • Easy-to-use site builder tool
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee

Things We Don’t Like in GoDaddy

  • Numerous upsells
  • Renewal rates
  • No free site transfer
  • No Detailed Hardware Specs Available

GoDaddy Pricing

Shared hosting: Shared hosting is the most popular package offered by GoDaddy. With prices ranging from $4.99 to $17.99/month, this package is ideal for bloggers, personal websites, and small businesses.

GoDaddy Shared Hosting
GoDaddy Shared Hosting

It includes unlimited bandwidth and 100 GB of storage, along with the ability to host unlimited websites. With access to cPanel and 24/7 customer support, this package is perfect for those who want to get started with hosting quickly and easily.

WordPress hosting: If you’re someone who has chosen WordPress as your preferred website platform, GoDaddy’s WordPress hosting package is the one to go for. It’s a managed hosting solution, which means that GoDaddy handles all the technical details, including updates and security.

GoDaddy WordPress Hosting
GoDaddy WordPress Hosting

With prices ranging from $10.99 to $20.99/month, WordPress hosting comes with different levels of features depending on the user’s needs. You can get started with the basic plan that provides 30GB storage and automatic backups or upgrade to the highest plan, which provides unlimited storage, integrated SEO tools, and 24/7 customer support.

VPS hosting: For those who need more power and resources, VPS hosting is a great option. With prices ranging from $9.99 to $49.99/month, depending on the amount of RAM, storage, and bandwidth you choose, VPS hosting provides more flexibility and greater control over the server environment.

GoDaddy VPS Hosting
GoDaddy VPS Hosting

It’s great for those who want to customize their hosting solution to meet specific needs. It’s ideal for growing businesses or high-traffic websites that need enhanced reliability and security.

Dedicated hosting: Dedicated hosting is the most powerful and customizable hosting solution GoDaddy offers. As the name suggests, you will be in complete control of the entire server environment.

GoDaddy Dedicated Hosting
GoDaddy Dedicated Hosting

It’s the most expensive hosting package GoDaddy offers, with prices ranging from $159.99 to $469.99/month. However, this package provides the highest level of performance, security, and reliability. It’s great for enterprise-level businesses that require a unique server configuration and high-end hardware resources.

Website Builder

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use website builder, GoDaddy’s Website Builder is perfect for you.

GoDaddy website builder
GoDaddy website builder

With GoDaddy Website Builder, you can create a professional-looking website in no time. They offer several plans – Personal, Business, and Business Plus.

Uptime and Speed

GoDaddy hosting has excellent uptimes with an average of 99.9% and boasts of industry-leading page load times. Their servers are equipped with the latest technology to ensure your website loads quickly, and they also offer a content delivery network (CDN) to speed up your website further.

In our testing, we found GoDaddy’s uptime reliability and speed to be one of the best in the industry.

Customer Support

GoDaddy provides 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and chat support. The company also has an extensive knowledge base and community forums to help answer common questions. Their customer support team is knowledgeable, friendly, and responsive.


Another positive aspect of their support is that they have a network status page where users can check the server status, which helps to avoid endless hours of downtime.

Security and Backup

GoDaddy takes security seriously and offers a range of security features, including SSL certificates, DDoS protection, and SiteLock malware scanning. They also offer daily backups, making sure your data is safe and secure.

Final Verdict

Overall, GoDaddy offers a variety of hosting plans that can fit just about any website’s needs. Whether you’re running a small blog or a large e-commerce store, there’s an option for you. And with their affordable pricing plans, GoDaddy hosting can be a great choice for those on a budget.

However, there are still some limitations, so be sure to consider your website’s specific needs before making a final decision. Nonetheless, GoDaddy remains a solid hosting provider in the market.

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